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Parts listed here are compatible with Model C Indoor Rowers. Model Cs were manufactured from 1993–2003.
For use on RowErgs and Model C, D and E Indoor Rowers. This label illustrates proper rowing technique. Place just above the handle hook.
For use on all Model B, C, D, E and Dynamic Indoor Rowers. This is the R8 bearing located outside of the flywheel. The corresponding bearing cup (part number 1013 or 258 depending on which model you have) is sold separately. See more info.
For use with Model C, D and E Indoor Rowers. These are the 1¼" diameter urethane pulleys that the chain runs over inside the indoor rower. There are two per machine: one is part of the traveling pulley (part number 1756); the other is mounted on a stationary axle and has two chain idler spacers (part number 1305) to keep it properly aligned. See more info.
For use on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. This is the bumper for the rear of the monorail. See more info.
For use on all Model C, D and E Indoor Rowers. This swivel bushing is installed at the swivel/handle end of the chain to prolong chain life and provide smoother rowing. See more info.
For use with Model C, D and E Indoor Rowers. This is the handle hook used on the Models C, D and E Indoor Rower. To store the handle long-term, place the handle up against the flywheel housing. For ease of use before or during a workout, placing the handle in the handle hook puts the handle within easy reach. Includes hardware.
For use with the handle on all models of indoor rowers. Connects the handle to the chain. The corresponding nuts are part number 240 for a Model A, B or C and part number 1235 for Model D, E and Dynamic.
This is part of the front monorail assembly. It is made of black plastic. For use on all Model C Indoor Rowers and on Model D Indoor Rowers manufactured from July 2003–2006.
For use with Model C and D Indoor Rowers and all SkiErgs Plastic cover for the bearing on the left side of the Model C or D Indoor Rower, opposite the flywheel, and the back side of all SkiErgs.
For use on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. SCAM stands for Shock Cord Adjustment Mechanism. This part holds each end of the shock cord. Order two per machine.
Used in various places on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower and the gray SkiErg manfactured between July 2009–July 2014.
For use on all Model C, D and E Indoor Rowers. This is the rubber bearing cup that holds the 17mm bearing (part number 1300, sold separately). See more info.
This is the bottom seat roller screw used on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. See more info.
For use on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. This part is used to hold the front end cap in place.
For use on all Model C, D, E and Dynamic Indoor Rowers as well as all SkiErgs. This is the rubber bearing cup that holds the R8 bearing on indoor rowers (part number 232, sold separately) and the 12mm bearing on SkiErgs. See more info.
For use on all Model C, D, E and Dynamic Indoor Rowers. This is the 5/8 inch long spacer found in the return mechanism's travelling pulley. Also used in the monitor arm assembly on the Dynamic Indoor Rower.
This is the handle hook screw on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. See more info.
This is the 1/4-20 heavy Nylock nut that is used with the wooden handle that came standard on the Model A, B and C Indoor Rowers. The corresponding U-bolt is part number 244. Order two per handle.
For use on all Model C, D and E Indoor Rowers. This is the 1/4 inch long seat spacer used in the hardware of the seat assembly. Order six for each seat assembly. Also used on all SkiErgs. See more info.
This is the damper fan cover screw for the Model C Indoor Rower.
This is used on the monorail hanger system on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower.
Used on the guide bracket of Model D Indoor Rowers, and on the rear leg of Model C and D Indoor Rowers.
Used in various places on the Model C, D and E Indoor Rower. See more info.